Recognizing Outstanding Student Achievements
As the spring 2019 semester came to a close, Trinity College recently honored students for outstanding achievements in their academic lives, their athletic pursuits, and their contributions to campus life.
Trinity News, May 9, 2019
The Campus Life Leadership Awards dinner, held on April 30 in Mather Hall’s Washington Room, included the presentations of the Student Activities, Involvement & Leadership (S.A.I.L.) Awards, the Greek Life Awards, and the Bantam of the Year Awards.
Scholar-athletes and staff members were honored at the college’s annual Athletics Banquet on May 1 on Jessee/Miller Field.

The 69th Honors Day ceremony, held in the Trinity College Chapel on May 3, included the presentations of dozens of student awards by faculty and staff members representing academic departments and college offices. President Joanne Berger-Sweeney and Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs Tim Cresswell congratulated everyone who received recognition.
To view photos from the Campus Life Leadership Awards and Honors Day events, please click here.