Funded SIRG Proposals

Funded Proposals
“Senior Thesis on Accessibility and Accommodations.” Anna Gallichio ’24. Tanetta Andersson, Sociology, Faculty Advisor.
“Policing, Politics, and Performance: Understanding Stop, Question, and Frisk in New York City through a Performative Lens.” Jake Loor ’25. Reo Matsuzaki, Political Science, Faculty Advisor.
“Art as Healing After Violence for Cambodia’s Next Generation—The First Gay Dance Troupe of Cambodia.” Venghour Than ’25. Peter Kyle, Theater and Dance, Faculty Advisor.
“The Sociopolitical Role of Ethnic and Religious Identities in Montenegro in the Period Between 2019 and 2024.” Teodora Brnovic ’24. Alyson Spurgas, Sociology, Faculty Advisor.
“Preventative Care Measures to Improve Oral Health in Low Income Populations.” Maria Figueroa ’24. Rebecca Beebe, Anthropology, Faculty Advisor.
“Mind, Body, Money.” Libby Geisler ’24. Brianna Halladay, Economics, Faculty Advisor.
“Effects of Medical Dress on the Doctor Patient Relationship in Pediatric Populations.” Guilia Giordano ’24. Rebecca Beebe, Anthropology, Faculty Advisor.
“Investigating the Culture of Relationships at Trinity College: A Qualitative Study.” Zoe Kon ’24. Rebecca Beebe, Anthropology, Faculty Advisor.
“The Intergenerational Effects of Faith, Honor, Tradition, and Power on Honduran Women as Recipients and Disseminators of Medical Information.” Kathy Miranda ’24. Rebecca Beebe, Anthropology, Faculty Advisor.
“Book Insecurity and its Effects of Mental Health and Sense of Belonging.” Sandeep Thapa ’24. Daniel Douglas, Sociology, Faculty Advisor.
“Neutron Scattering to Explore the Binary Phase Diagram of Nanoparticle Suspensions.” Jonas Boettner ’24. Lindsey Hanson, Chemistry, Faculty Advisor.
“Defying the Dominant Narrative of HWCU’s: Black Student Bachelor’s Degree Attainment as Collective Social Resistance.” Kelsey Brown ’23. Tanetta Andersson, Sociology, Faculty Advisor.
“Renovation of the Trinity College ENVS Mineral Display Cabinet.” James Michielli ’23. Jonathan Gourley, Environmental Science, Faculty Advisor.
“The Girls and The Gworls: The Temporal Experience of Black Queer People Under Anti-Blackness.” Tanzanikia Taylor ’23. Tanetta Andersson, Sociology, Faculty Advisor.
“Testing the Feasibility of a Positive Psychology Mobile Health App For College Electronic Cigarette (E-Cigarette) Users.” Ali Futter ’23. Laura Holt, Psychology, Faculty Advisor.
“How Do Hormone Levels Impact Financial Decision Making?: An Experiment About Risk Preferences.” Avery Rowland ’23. Brianna Halladay, Economics, Faculty Advisor.
“Finding Yiddishkeit: Place and Belonging in a Modern Orthodox Synagogue Community.” Joshua Jacoves ’23. Timothy Landry and Jane Nadel-Klein, Anthropology, Faculty Advisors.
“Yale Wu Tsai Institute Summer Research Program in Neuroscience.” Stephen Maurer ’24. Susan Masino, Neuroscience, Faculty Advisor.
“Exploring questions of authenticity, youth culture, and the immigrant experience in Houston’s underground Hip-Hop scene.” Adyanna Odom ’23. Seth Markle, International Studies, Faculty Advisor.
“On the Origin of Segments: Investigating the Regulation of the Segmentation Clock in Beetles.” Suzanne Carpe ’22. Terri Williams, Biology, Faculty Advisor.
“Decolonizing Conservation: Exploring the Role of Maasai knowledge in human-wildlife conflict.” Kayleigh Moses ’22. Shafqat Hussain and David Kurz, Anthropology, Faculty Advisors.
“The role of Toll receptors in cell movements during segmentation in the beetle, Tribolium castaneum.” Katie Russell ’22. Terri Williams, Biology, Faculty Advisor.
“Ambiguous Loss.” Tiana Sharpe ’23. Diana Aldrete, Language and Culture Studies, Faculty Advisor.
“Decolonizing Conservation: The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in the Northeastern U.S.’ Human-Wildlife Conflict Management Conversations.” Joshua Jacoves ’23. Timothy Landry and Beth Notar, Anthropology, Faculty Advisors.
“Decolonizing Conservation: The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in the Northeastern U.S.’ Human-Wildlife Conflict Management Conversations.” Kayleigh Moses ’22. Shafqat Hussain and Thomas Wickman, Anthropology and History, Faculty Advisers.
“The rationality of irrational behavior: How the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic affected behavior and motivations on a small liberal arts college campus.” Cristina Aldeanueva ’22. John Alcorn, Formal Organizations, Faculty Advisor.
“Mental Time Travel: Varying Perceptions of Time Mediated by Culture and Language in Memory and Future Thought.” Alicia Camuy ’22. Sarah Raskin, Neuroscience, Faculty Advisor.
“Whole exome sequencing for assessment of unclassified glycogen storage diseases and disorders of energy metabolism.” Uyen (Vivien) Doan ’21. Alison Draper, Science Alliance, Faculty Advisor.
“An Investigation of Hartford Public School District Sex Education Curricula.” Eleanor Faraguna ’21. Dina Anselmi, Psychology, Faculty Advisor.
“Urban Metabolism in Foz do Iguaçu.” Samia Khoder ’21. Garth Myers, Urban Studies, Faculty Advisor.
“Wolves and Farmers: An Evolving Perspective on Conservation in the American West.” Kayleigh Moses ’22. Beth Notar and Shafqat Hussain, Anthropology, Faculty Advisors.
“Contemporary Approaches to Plague: An Analysis of the Medical Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York City.” Olivia Nelson ’21. Andrew Conroe, Anthropology, Faculty Advisor.
“Paintbrushes and Protest: A Portrait of Artivism in Grassroots Organizing in New York City.” Lucemy Perez ’21. Scott Gac, American Studies, Faculty Advisor.
“Souther inspection tours: How Qianlong shaped Jiangnan.” Anh Pham ’21. Yunchiahn Sena, Art History, Faculty Advisor.
“Studying the Impact of Endometriosis on Women’s Lives, a Narrative Approach.” Emilie Platteter ’21. Jim Trostle, Anthropology, Faculty Advisor.
“Lessons from Georgia’s Protests: Class Relations, Anti-Russian Narratives, and Georgian Development.” Elisabed Gedevanishvili ’20. Garth Myers (International Studies, Interdisciplinary Media Studies), Faculty Advisor.
“An Investigation of College Students’ Perspectives on the Safety and Health Risks of the Use of E-cigarette and Vaping Devices.” Elizabeth Jadovich ’20. Shafqat Hussain (Anthropology), Faculty Advisor.
“The popularity of Kanho Yakushiji in China: The need of being ‘Buddha-like youngsters’ for the Chinese post-90s generation.” Xiaohan Liu ’21. Beth Notar (Anthropology), Faculty Advisor.
“Differentiation Between Arrest and Nonarrest of Persons Who Use Abusive Behaviors by Police in Hartford, Connecticut.” Nicole Andersen ’20. Susan DiVietro (Chemistry), Faculty Advisor.
“LGBTQ+ People and The Criminal Justice System.” Tamelan Chauvet ’20. Steven Valocchi (Sociology), Faculty Advisor.
“Filtered Beauty and Nationalism in Contemporary China: A Case Study in Chengdu.” Chang Gao ’21. Shunyuan Zhang (International Studies), Faculty Advisor.
“The Invisible Thread: Chinese Women Entrepreneurs in the Italian Fashion Industry.” Audrianna Kelly ’21. Beth Notar (Anthropology), Faculty Advisor.
“Lived Experiences of Kurds in Turkey: ‘Happy is the one who calls themselves a Turk!’” Dilan Kurt ’20. Beth Notar (Anthropology), Faculty Advisor.
“The Physician Beyond Biomedicine: Intimate Partner Violence Screening in Pediatric Surgery Clinical Setting.” Lucy Pereira ’20. Susan DiVietro (Anthropology), Faculty Advisor.
“20th Century Law and the Mohegans: Gladys Tantaquidgeon and the Indian New Deal.” Elizabeth Sockwell ’20. Thomas Wickman (History and American Studies), Faculty Advisor.
“Stigma and Education: Chinese College Students’ Attitudes of Mental Illness.” Tina Zhu ’21. Laura Holt (Psychology), Faculty Advisor.
“Visions for Democracy: Investigating Women’s Political Participation in Senegal through the Y’en a Marre movement.” Tshion Assefa ’19. Isaac Kamola (Political Science), Faculty Advisor.
“A Global Feminist Analysis of the Asylum Application Process in Trinidad and Tobago.” Hannah Grosberg ’19. Diana Aldrete (Language and Culture Studies), Faculty Advisor.
“Being High is Normal: Just Another College Norm An Interview Investigation on Marijuana Usage at Trinity College.” Christopher Carter ’19. Beth Notar (Anthropology), Faculty Advisor.
“Exploring Steelpan Making Traditions and Carnival Parade Organization in the Diaspora.” Kimani Bishop ’19. Eric Galm (Music), Faculty Advisor.
“Building a Segmented Body: The Cell Dynamics of Segmentation and Elongation.” Nicole Duan ’18. Terri Williams (Biology), Faculty Advisor.
“Non-Binary People’s Access to Gender-Affirming Healthcare.” Lori Puopolo ’18. Johnny Williams (Sociology), Faculty Advisor.
“Neural Networks and Continuous Authentication.” Karishma Asthana ’18. Ewa Syta (Computer Science), Faculty Advisor.
“What it means to grow old in urban China: Measuring elderly people’s ability to use urban public spaces.” Mengqi Chen ’18. Beth Notar (Anthropology), Faculty Advisor.
“What are the driving factors behind refugee preference in choosing Germany as their final country of destination?” Shahzad Joseph, IDP. Thomas Lefebvre (Political Science) and Carol Clark (Economics), Faculty Advisors.
“Refugees and Islamophobia: Assessing the Influence of Religion on Refugee.” Mallika Khanna ’18. Johannes Evelein (International Studies), Faculty Advisor.
“Assessing the Efficacy of a Permeable Reactive Barrier at Nitrate Removal 10-Years after Installation: Are PRBs long term solutions to Cape Cod’s Nitrogen Problem?” Sarah Messenger ’18. Christoph Geiss (Environmental Science) and Lisa-Anne Foster (Biology), Faculty Advisors.
“The things we carry: Material culture and pilgrim identity along Spain’s Camino de Santiago.” Isabelle Moore ’18. Jim Trostle (Anthropology), Faculty Advisor.
“ArchaeoTek Medieval Funerary Excavation and Juvenile Osteology Workshop.” Maura Griffith ’17. Martha Risser (Classics), Faculty Advisor.
“Researching the effects of displacement and gentrification on immigrants in Brooklyn.” James Guerrero ’17. Jane Nadel-Klein (Anthropology), Faculty Advisor.
“Approaching Modernity: Examining Rural Catholic Practice in Secularized Ireland.” Evan Scollard ’17. Jane Nadel-Klein (Anthropology), Faculty Advisor.
“Researching portrayals of birth experiences in fictional television programs and their impact on college-aged women.” Olivia Reny ’16. Tanetta Andersson (Sociology), Faculty Advisor.
“How Do People Update Their Beliefs about Themselves under Risk?” Zhongyi Tang ’16. Nichole E. Szembrot (Economics), Faculty Advisor.
“Art in Post-Conflict Peru.” Carly Goroff ’17. Anne Lambright (Language and Cultural Studies), Faculty Advisor.
“Choosing a Delivery Room: Expectations and Outcomes of Birth Among Middle–‐and Upper–‐Class Women.” Katie Dimond ’16. Jane Nadel-Klein (Anthropology), Faculty Advisor.
“Teachers and Administration of ESL Students in a Mainstream Classroom: Perceptions of Success.” Katie Barlok ’16. James Trostle (Anthropology), Faculty Advisor.
“United States Historical Education and the Presence of Minorities in Lower Socioeconomic Areas.” Chelsea Crabbe ’17. Sean Cocco (History) and Carol Clark (Economics and the Community Learning Initiative), Faculty Advisors.
“High Skilled Labor Migration to Norway: The Case of Indian Migrants.” Padmini Gopal ’15. Anthony Messina (Political Science), Faculty Advisor.
“Political Economy of Craft Production in India.” Apoorva Sahay ’15. Beth Notar (Anthropology), Faculty Advisor.
“An examination of the social determinants of health impacting HIV and AIDS policy in South Africa.” Danielle Carp ’15. Stefanie Chambers (Political Science), Faculty Advisor.
“A Unified ’J’: Analyzing for Coherence between Genesis and Exodus.” Alix de Gramont ’15. Seth Sanders (Religion), Faculty Advisor.
“Hartford- Tenerife-Kumasi Emergency Medical Systems Research Project.” George Denkey ’15. Garth Myers (International Studies), Faculty Advisor.
“Not All Départements Are Created Equal: Urban Politics of Social Inequality in the Dakar Region.” Salima Etoka ’15. Garth Myers (International Studies), Faculty Advisor.
“Jacques-Louis David: The Revolutionary Artist.” Ashley Mullen ’15. Alden Gordon (Fine Arts), Faculty Advisor.
“Tracing Caribbean Musical Migration and Identity in Hartford.” Nicole Musto-Graves ’15. Eric Galm (Music), Faculty Advisor.
“Abnormal agricultural trading practices between Vietnam and China.” Chi P. Nguyen ’15. Christopher Hoag (Economics), Faculty Advisor.
“Asian Presence in the Caribbean.” Kristina Xie ’16. Milla Riggio (English), Faculty Advisor.
“Differences in Empathy between High and Low Schizotypal College Students.” Allison Cazalet ’14. Sarah Raskin (Psychology), Faculty Advisor.
“Dramaturgy of Devised Work at Double Edge Theater.” Danee Conley ’14. Judy Dworin (Theater and Dance), Faculty Advisor.
“Narcocorridos: Articulations of Triumph and Treachery.” Carolina Galdiz ’14. Anne Marie Hanson (International Studies), Faculty Advisor.
“Los Argenchinos: What is the significance of Chinese immigration to Argentina and how has transculturation created a new identity for second generation Chinese-Argentinians?” Sade Parham ’14. Anne Lambright (Language and Culture Studies), Faculty Advisor.