We love hearing from Educational Studies alumni, especially when they offer to share news about their life adventures after Trinity with broader audiences, as Nicole George ’18 does below:
I am currently a full time graduate student in the School of Social Work at Virginia Commonwealth University. This is my first semester and have been required to do many written assignments within this field. I am interning at the Richmond Department of Social Services while taking four courses on campus, and am looking forward to becoming more involved with refugee and immigrant children. The Ed Studies courses I took at Trinity has been a lifesaver! I truly feel prepared. My courses involve a lot of research focusing on varying populations and Ed Studies prepared me to work with various groups of people. In particular, my Ed 400: Senior Research Seminar has been one of the most beneficial courses in preparing me for graduate school. One thing I would tell the current Ed Studies Majors is that the final research project may seem difficult and time consuming, but if you plan to go to grad school after Trinity, you will be thankful to the entire program for encouraging you to do research and gaining that independence. THANK YOU ED STUDIES FACULTY AND STAFF!
Learn more about Nicole George’s Educ 400 senior research project, “Navigating Survival Skills in a Predominantly Latin American School.” See her presentation slides and video and final draft in the Trinity College Digital Repository.